Instructor & Methods
Hello! I'm Jami and I'm so glad you decided to take my course on Dog Training! I can't wait to take this journey with you as you begin to create this incredible relationship with your dog.
About Me
I am a 30-year-old dog-mom of two sweet Labrador-Boxer mix sisters, Basil and Mozzarella who are four years old.
Mozzarella (or Ella) is the lighter pup on the left. She is energetic, athletic, and smart. She loves to cuddle, eat food, play fetch, and follow me around 24/7. She can learn any trick in under 5 minutes, she can sniff out her ball in a huge field at night, and she is the best hiking buddy.
Basil is the darker pup on the right. She is inherently lazy, loving, and goofy. She adores chasing bubbles, hunting flies, licking people's ears, and befriending cats. She can fall asleep at a music concert, she snores loudly, and she has a little bit of an under-bite.
You can follow their adventures on Instagram @basilandmozzarella
My Dog Training Methods
I have spent years researching and developing my dog training techniques. I've worked closely with local dog trainers and for a number of years in a local animal shelter helping the dogs there become more adoptable. I've been a passionate animal lover since I was a toddler and always knew my future would include working with animals.
I use positive reinforcement and gentle verbal corrections as my main tools in dog training. This positive style of training helps build trust and communication between you and your pup. Your pup will learn that being by your side and working with you is a positive and happy experience.
Dog training isn’t done in a day. It is a lifelong process and takes patience. If you find yourself growing impatient or frustrated, stop and try again a few hours later or the next day. Training with your pup should always be fun and exciting. Stay positive!
If this is your first dog, I want to prepare you for an incredible, mind-blowing relationship. The immeasurable and unwavering love dogs give us is a great reminder of how precious life is. For them, forgiveness is immediate, and they're always ready to party. They are a beautiful soul wrapped up in an adorable fuzzy body with a tail as a happy meter - what more could you ask for?
Let's do this!